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Volunteer at Strandwood: Process


hands raised


We are so grateful for your time. Strandwood Elementary is an amazing school because of our amazing community, including volunteers and staff.

In order to volunteer at Strandwood, the process is as follows:

Follow the instructions to be cleared with MDUSD.  Process in English here.  En espanol aqui

Our district fingerprint system is typically booked into the fall at the start of each new school year.  A list of outside LiveScan agencies can be found here.  You will need to bring the LiveScan application form with you to your appointment.

     * TB clearance needs to be repeated every 4 years.

     * Fingerprint clearance is good for your entire "career" with MDUSD.


3) Verify with the office that they have your clearance filed

4) Connect with the teacher re: opportunities and needs

5) When you start your volunteering "shift", stop in the office to sign in on the orange sheet.  This allows the office staff to know who is on campus and where in the case of an emergency.  We also use this form to track our hours to report to our state PTA.

6) If you'd like to drive a group of students on field trips, you'll also need to fill out a Transportation Form and attach proof of required insurance clearance.  This is ideally completed no less than 1 week prior to a field trip.  

Thank you again for your contributions to our school!