Independent Study Contracts Independent Study Information(click here)
To clear an absence, do ONE of the following:
- Call our 24-hour attendance hotline at 682-8000, ext. 8025 to report the absence, or
- Send an email to, or
- send a note to the office with your child
Please don't forget to include the following in your message:
- Child’s full name
- Date of absence
- Teacher’s name
- Specific nature of the absence (illness, vacation, funeral, etc)
- Your relationship to the student
It is important to clear an absence within 72 hours. After three unexcused absences, a child can be declared truant. A total of 10 days absence per year is considered excessive. Our office will mail absence letters to remind parents if absences are excessive as part of our “Every Day Counts” program. The MDUSD School Attendance and Reporting Board is notified if a student is absent excessively.
School begins at 8:08 a.m (8:05 for Kindergarten Early Friends). Students who arrive at school after the bell has rung are considered tardy. If the parent cannot escort student to the office, a note from the parent is required with a valid excuse in order to excuse the tardy.
Students arriving after the bell has rung must report to the office for a tardy pass before they go to class. A tardy of 30 minutes or more without a valid excuse is considered truant. Please remember that a valid excuse may be a medical/dental appointment or illness. Waking up late, or traffic are not considered valid excuses.
Promptness is very important since students miss valuable directions and instruction. They are then at a real disadvantage. Furthermore, when they enter the class late, it disturbs the learning environment for other students.
The MDUSD School Attendance and Reporting Board is notified if a student is tardy excessively.
The parent or designee on the emergency card must go to the office, where they will be asked to sign a register and to show identification if unknown. Parents may not pick a child up from the classroom until directed by the school staff. It is our school policy to not release children to anyone other than the parent, guardian, or other previously authorized persons designated on the emergency card or via a note written on the particular day of release.