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School Vision and Goals

The community of Strandwood will inspire academic excellence, personal growth, and social responsibility while encouraging students and adults to reach their full potential and discover the everlasting joys of learning. All students and staff will feel emotionally and physically safe on our school campus.

Aligned with the district goals, Strandwood established 4 goals in 2023: 

  1. Teachers will be supported in teaching the Common Core State Standards including the integration of technology to help ensure success for all students.
  2. Classroom instruction will include opportunities for the teaching of social and emotional life skills. Staff members will be culturally proficient and responsive to student needs. The attendance rate will be monitored and reviewed to identify students who are chronically absent or tardy. Parents/guardians will be encouraged to support initiatives to increase attendance and school engagement.
  3. Teachers will increase the number of English Learners who reclassify as Fully English Proficient. The English Learner Master Plan will be fully implemented.
  4. Focus scholars, specifically African American scholars, foster youth, and students experiencing homelessness, will experience culturally responsive practices and instruction, high expectations, equal access to educational opportunities, within an educational environment that builds trust and inclusive partnerships between the students, families, and staff.

Children thrive at Strandwood Elementary because they are honored and supported by both their teachers and their community.  On school spirit days, you will see an ocean of blue and gold-dressed children and staff members proudly displaying our school colors. Students feel a great sense of being a part of something good and this pride fuels their motivation to do their best and also inspires them to keep their dreams big and their hopes high.  Students, staff, and community members work hand-in-hand at our school to support each other’s evolution. There is a synergy created when teachers help students, the community supports teachers, and we all agree that a high-quality education is priceless. Our success proves that when we work together for the good of children, we can achieve great things.